IDA-NNEA Outreach

How IDA-NNEA is helping in our communities
Boy Reading - NHIDA Outreach

What is it like to have dyslexia?  How would it affect your daily life?

IDA Northern New England Alliance demonstrates components of Experience Dyslexia® a learning disability simulation developed by the IDA Northern California Branch. The simulation is a hands-on activity that lets participants experience some of the challenges and frustrations faced by people with this language-based learning disability.

Demonstrations may include:

  • Learn to Read simulates a beginning reading problem
  • Listen to Me simulates an auditory figure-ground problem
  • Write with Mirrors simulates a visual-motor and writing problem
  • Name That Letter simulates a letter-word identification problem
  • Write or Left simulates a copy and writing problem
  • Hear and Spell simulates an auditory discrimination problem

Improve Literacy Outcomes in Vermont

Dear Fellow Vermonter,

We are currently awaiting the appointment of a new permanent Secretary of Education.

Now is the time to organize efforts to encourage Governor Scott and members of the State Board of Education to choose a Secretary that is knowledgeable in the Science of Reading and supportive of structured literacy instruction in our Vermont classrooms.

Please consider writing a letter to Governor Scott and the State Board of Education members, urging them to appoint a new Secretary that will prioritize improving literacy instruction in our state. The next State Board meeting is on June 21st, so act fast!

To make it easy, please use or modify our sample letter, or write your own letter and include a story about how literacy impacts your life!

Sample Letter

Form to contact Governor Scott

State Board of Education Members

Thank you for your support. Every letter counts!

Help IDA-NNEA continue to improve the lives of individuals with dyslexia

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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